Pre-University Law Level 5

Pre-University Law Level 5

About The Course

1 Year Full Time Pre-University Law Course
QQI Level 5

Pre-university Law will equip you with a foundation in a wide range of legal concepts along with the administrative skills required in any legal secretarial role. Learn about the importance of law to the operation of business in Ireland and where laws originated.

You will be able to identify, discuss and apply sources of law including the relevance of EU law. You will explore the nature and structure of the Irish legal system, essential aspects of the law of contract and the necessary features of the law of negligence.

If the focus of this course for you is in gaining employment in legal administration or as a legal secretary, you will be in demand. Otherwise, you may progress to higher education to study Law or courses where Legal Studies are combined with other subjects.

Work experience forms an integral part of this course.

Course Coordinator: Janet Challoner

  • Audio Transcription
  • Business Law
  • Criminal Law
  • Customer Service
  • Family Law
  • Legal Practice and Procedures
  • Work Experience
  • Reception and Frontline Office Skills

Course content may be revised for educational or organisational reasons.


QQI Legal Studies 5M3789

Entry Requirements

Minimum Entry Requirements

Leaving Certificate: O6/H7 in 5 subjects
Leaving Certificate Applied
QQI Level 4 major award
Equivalent qualifications will be accepted

Mature Applicants

Mature applicants who have relevant industry experience and may not meet the above requirements are welcome to apply.

Employment and Career Opportunies


QQI 5M3789 Legal Studies major award enables you to apply to Level 7/8 degrees in the CAO through the Higher Education Links Scheme including:

  • DBS, Law
  • DCU, Arts: Joint Hons Law
  • Griffith College, Law
  • Maynooth University, LLB & Law through Arts
  • TUD, LLB and Law with Language
  • SETU Carlow, LLB
  • Trinity College, Business and law
  • UCD, Law


As a legal secretary you can expect to start earning €25,000 per annum if you work in Dublin and from €22,000 if you work anywhere else in Ireland.
(Irish Jobs.i.e., January 2022