Student Self-Care during the Easter Holidays
Dear Students,
I just want to take a few minutes to wish you all well over the Easter break. I know many of you are not getting a full break due to course work, possible family responsibilities, social restrictions etc. However, I would like to encourage you all to practise ‘self-care’ as often as you can. When we practise ‘self-care’ we are taking responsibility for our own health and wellbeing. We are more productive in our daily work/activities, our lifestyle becomes balanced, we feel better about ourselves and we feel better about the world around us. The following are just some ‘self-care’ tips you can practice while you are on your Easter break.
· Set realistic goals
· Rest often
· Eat well
· Every day do something you enjoy
· Connect with loved ones
· Enjoy some chocolate!!!
Below are some links and numbers you may find useful if you need some extra support over the Easter break.
Wishing you all a safe, well and relaxing Easter break.
Warm wishes
Aideen Lyster
Guidance Counsellor
Mental Health Supports During Covid-19 Click here
Free on-line counselling support:
Information and support for mental health difficulties:
Jigsaw Counselling Service (The National Centre for Youth Mental Health):
National Traveller Mental Health Services: /01-8721094
Aware Support Line: Freephone: 1800 804 848
BeLonG To: Text LGBTI to 086 18000 280
LGBT Helpline: 1890 929 539
Gender Identify Family Support Line: 01-907 3707 Suicide or Survive (SOS): Samaritans: 116 123
Pieta House: Freephone 1800 247 247 (any day/time) Text HELP 51444
More online supports
The website provide information and signposting on all mental health supports and services that are available nationally and locally provided by the HSE and its funded partners. You can also call the Freephone: 1800 111 888 (any day/time) to find more information on supports and services.