
Start of Term – September 2021

start of term 2021b

College starts soon! We are looking forward to welcoming all our new and returning students soon. In the meantime, here is some information you may find useful.

Payment of Fees and Registration.

If you have been offered a place on a course, and you have not yet paid your fees and uploaded your requested documents for registration – now is the time to do it. All the links and instructions you need are here.

If you have any questions or issues regarding payments or uploading documents, please let us know by email at


Course inductions will take place on the week of Monday 20th September 2021. We will email you with the exact date, time and location of your induction. At your induction, you will meet your course director, other college staff and your fellow students. You will receive lots of useful information (including your timetable) about your course and the college.

Start of Term

Classes are due to start on the week of Monday 27th of September.


Covid 19 Restrictions

We at Inchicore College are looking forward to welcoming all our students in September. We are following all Government directives and guidance to ensure that everyone working and attending Inchicore College can continue to work and study in a safe, effective and comfortable environment.

We are hopeful that students will be able to attend classes in the college in September but this will depend on directions from government. Some courses may involve some elements of remote learning and/or blended learning. More detailed information regarding your course of study will be made available to you closer to your start date and at your induction meeting.