Taxation: Personal taxes

Autumn term 2024, Introduction to Taxation: Personal taxes

Monday: Introduction to Taxation: Personal taxes
Time: 6.00pm-7.15pm
Start: 16.09.24
Duration: 10 weeks (No class on 28.10.24)
Fee: €85 (It is CDETB policy that refunds are only issued if a course does not form. Before booking, please see our terms and conditions page).

Taxation: Personal taxes

What is a personal tax credit? How can I find out if I am due a tax refund? I’d like to start my own business, but I need to know about managing my tax as an employer.  If these are questions or concerns that you’ve had, and would like to learn more about, then this course may be for you. 

This course is for any individual; including those who have recently come to live and work in Ireland, to better understand their personal tax affairs and gain some insight into their tax responsibilities, along with some tips on managing their tax affairs.  This course may also be of interest to those who are considering a career in tax and are curious to know what it entails.  Whether you are starting your first job, a seasoned employee, self-employed, or a retiree, it is never too late to learn about your day-to-day interactions with the Irish tax system. This course will be covering employment taxes such as payroll; redundancies; terminations, Benefits-in-kind, rental accounts, Capital Gains Tax, and Capital Acquisitions Tax.  The topics covered will give you a general overview and should not be taken as tailored tax advice; rather, the purpose of this course is to equip you with some tools to better understand how taxes operate. 

About your tutor: Naomi Butler

Naomi commenced working in taxation in 2004 and qualified as a chartered tax advisor in 2008. Her experience includes personal tax and corporate tax clients, assisting with compliance and tax advice in relation to personal, corporate, Value-added tax (VAT), and capital taxes. While her main focus now is on personal tax clients, Naomi also lectures in taxation to those sitting professional exams, as well as offering in-house training and continuing professional development (CPD) to accounting and taxation professionals 


Naomi Butler

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