Embroidery for beginners

Spring 2025, Hand embroidery for beginners ~ FULLY BOOKED

Monday: Hand embroidery for beginners
Time: 6.00pm-7.15pm
Start: 6.01.25
Duration: 10 weeks (no class on the 03.02.25, 17.02.25, 17.03.25)
Fee: €95 euro / Materials Fee: 10 euro is payable, in cash, to the tutor on the first day of the course. (It is CDETB policy that refunds are only issued if a course does not form. Before booking, please see our terms and conditions page).
Notes: All courses are subject to a minimum number in order to proceed. In the event that a course is oversubscribed, places will be offered on a first-booked, first-served basis and a waiting list will then be created. You will be contacted in this event.



About this course:

Looking to develop a skill? To find a mindful practice? To create something unique and modern? Well, then embroidery for beginners is for you. Each week, Alice will show you different skills that you will practice in class. This course is for beginners so we will start at the very beginning! The first week we will talk through your materials, cover some of the basics (like how to thread a needle), and learn some simple stitches to get you started.We will build on this knowledge of stitches and materials as the course progresses each week. We will create a sampler for the stitches we learn, but also apply them to some small designs. Towards the end of the course, Alice will also help you to start creating your own design.


Materials needed for this course:

  • Embroidery Hoop (ideally 8inch size)
  • Cotton Fabric (at least 2 pieces slightly larger than your embroidery hoop)
  • Embroidery Needles (various sizes)
  • Embroidery Thread (at least 2 skeins of different colours)

These materials can be purchased from Alice at the first class at a cost of €10.


Enrol and Pay

About your tutor: Alice Brady

Embroidery for beginners

Alice is a passionate embroiderer inspired by Ireland. Alice began stitching in school at the age of 15, but it wasn’t until she heard about the Degree Course at the Royal School of Needlework, London that she thought she might make a career out of it. Here, she learned a wide range of embroidery techniques and worked on a number of high profile projects such as the Nicholas Oakwell for Great Britain campaign and the HBO Game of Thrones Hardhome Embroidery.

After graduating from the RSN in 2017, Alice moved back home to Dublin, Ireland and began work on a series of pieces inspired by Irish Folklore, Language, Landscape and History. So far, Alice has completed The Wildflowers series, Celtic Knot series, and Ogham series. These works have also inspired some personalised and commissioned pieces.

Alice loves to share her knowledge and love of embroidery, so began teaching classes and workshops around Dublin quite soon after graduating. Over the past few years there was a surge in orders of kits and supplies as many people began to look for new hobbies to do at home. Embroidery has always been a great tool for improving mental health, but was particularly helpful in these difficult times. With this increased demand, Alice decided to concentrate on creating more kits for students to learn to stitch at home, alongside teaching online and in-person classes.

You can learn more about Alice and her work at www.bealice.ie or on Instagram @be_alice_


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