1st Year Play Memento Mori
Inchicore College is delighted to present an original play written by Liam Wilson Smith and Samuel Coyle – Memento Mori
The play is set in an old empty house with the reputation of being haunted. It is indeed occupied by the spirits of 5 people who owned lived and died in the house at different times over the past 100 years.
A group of young people from the town visit the house one evening with a plan to cheer up their friend Oliver who has recently lost his mother.
The plan does not go well. This is a serious play about the living and the dead with moments of hilarity and an unexpected ending.
Liam and Sam are both graduates of Inchicore who have studied further and worked professionally as theatre makers and actors in Dublin and abroad.This is their first time to write together and we are very proud to welcome them back to Inchicore College to work with the first year actors of 2023/4.
The production will be directed by Hélène Montague, and supported by the Technical Theatre students.
The Theatre @ Inchicore College
Wednesday 13/3/ 24 @ 7.30pm
Thursday 14/3/ 24 @ 1.00pm & 7.30pm
Friday 15/3/24. @ 7.30pm
Tickets €7.00 Concession €5.00
DIGIOLA( a ghost):
“You’ll be remembered for who you really were, not the parts of you that were acceptable at the time. Not all of us get the luxury of being remembered how we’d like to be.”